There is a lot of kindness and generosity for a small island with a population of around 60. As soon as we pulled up to the community dock with the dinghy we were greeted with helping hands from local fisherman. They were cleaning their catch from the day and the dock was littered with massive hogfish, lobster tails, and conch. They helped us secure the dinghy, unload our trash and offered some of their catch. It was exactly the type of landfall you expect at these small islands.
As we walked down the harbor we noticed how lively it was. To our right in the crystal clear water we could see turtles and sting rays, on our left was a local stand with women making beautiful straw work and down the road a bunch of kids were jumping in the water and playing around. It was pretty awesome. We decided to go on a self-guided tour so with the help of the entry sign we made our way up a small hill that gave us a beautiful view of the Exuma Sound.
After a quick right and a little further we ended up at JR’s woodworking shop. The shop is a small shack behind his house where he hand carves local wild tamarind into beautiful sculptures of things like local owls and other traditional figures. He performs the whole process from spotting the tree to the final coat of varnish. After the visit with JR we continued our tour and ended up running into a man named Denzel. He immediately invited us into his yard to show off his garden. He grows a bunch of his own fresh produce and even let us try a few things. When Jordan asked about a drum hanging from the tree that started a whole other conversation, turns out he makes drums out of local wood and goat skin (once the goat has been eaten).
He was a very cool guy. Overall Little Farmers Cay was awesome. In a few hours we walked around the whole island (it
would have been much faster if didn’t stop to chat with people along the way), met a few wonderful people and had a good time.
Read the full blog here.